Saturday, 18 February 2012

Scholarships to study in Lisbon

> 1. Scholarships to Study in Lisbon, European "City of the Year"
> February 15, 2012. Dartmouth, MA. The UMass in Lisbon Study Abroad Program and the Center for Portuguese Studies and Culture at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth announce the creation of the Elisia and Mark Saab Study Abroad Scholarship Fund for Academic Years 2012-2015 in the amount of $30,000. This generous gift from Elisia and Mark Saab puts living and learning in one of the world's most dynamic cities within reach for students from the UMass system and beyond, 94 said Prof. Michael Baum, director of UMass in Lisbon and Chair of the Political Science Department at =
> UMass Dartmouth.
> The Saab scholarships are designed to help remove financial obstacles to student participation in UMass in Lisbon. However, students must still pay round-trip airfare and obtain their passport and visa. Scholarships will be awarded based on past academic excellence, a statement of financial need, and a reference from one professor.
> UMass in Lisbon participants, who may come from any university in the US, may spend either a semester or year abroad for the same price they would pay studying on campus at UMass Dartmouth, including the cost of housing, a reduced-price meal plan, transport in Lisbon, field trips, and a Portuguese cell phone.
> Interested students can learn more about the Saab scholarships and UMass =
> in Lisbon at
> UMass in Lisbon is also sponsored by the Luso-American Foundation of =
> Lisbon, Portugal.
> Contact: Michael Baum, Director, UMass in Lisbon
> Phone: 508-999-8996
> Email:

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