Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Early Bird Deadline:Conference- Baby Brains Around the World

3rd UK Paediatric Neuropsychology Symposium: Early Brain-Behaviour Relationships & Prognostic Indicators

Dates: 23- 27 April 2012 (& web access of recordings until 4 June 2012)



Early Bird Registration Fee ends on Thursday 23 February 2012


The 3rd UK Paediatric Neuropsychology symposium will provide a contemporary account of research findings investigating early brain-behaviour relationships and prognostic indicators relevant to clinical practice. Experimental, clinical and epidemiological techniques designed to assess the development of cognitive, emotional and social behaviour will be described. A host of leading international speakers will participate in this symposium in order to consider contemporary knowledge of the effects of genetics and the environment on neurocognitive development and prognostic indicators that can inform medical and psycho-social interventions.

Brains Around the World Project: An International On-Line Conference


Dates: Website Open Between 23 April  - 4 June 2012


As well as standard registration to attend the symposium in person it is now possible to register for ON-LINE ONLY access to the conference. The on-line Baby Brains project aims to widen communication & networking opportunities as far as possible for academics and practitioners across the globe interested in early human cognition and its developmental pathways. 

Lectures will be filmed and broadcast on the secure conference website by UCL Media Services.

All speakers have agreed for their lectures to be broadcast 

On-line delegates will have electronic access to:

·        Live streaming and video files of lectures available to watch repeatedly until 4th June 2012.

·        Proceedings of the conference.

·        All lecture hand-outs.

·        All scientific posters.

·        Interactive delegate discussion forums.

·        Details of information from our sponsors.

N.B. Delegates who register to attend the conference in person will also have access to all aspects of the on-line conference until 4 June 2012.


For further information & application form visit: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/neuropsych/InternationalSymposia  

Or contact the ICH Events Team on 44 (0)20 7905 2675 or +44 (0)20 7905 2699, email info@ichevents.com 

(apologies for cross-posting)

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