Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Research Uganda internship!

Research Uganda (@ResearchUganda)
2/28/12 4:21 PM
Looking for a career in international development? Gain invaluable experience in the field on the Research Uganda internship!

Monday, 27 February 2012

How to write a grant

Nature News&Comment (@NatureNews)
2/27/12 8:46 PM
How to write a grant: Great ideas will get applicants only so far. There are other strategies to improve success. bit.ly/xssZu0

Job vacancy Assistant/Associate Professor, National Institute of Education, Singapore

BASES (@basesuk)
2/27/12 1:15 PM
BASES Vacancy - Assistant/Associate Professor, National Institute of Education, Singapore. Closing date 16 March bit.ly/A32KnW #jobs 

Anatomical Society Research Studentships

Anatomical Society Research Studenships (UK and Ireland)


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Internship Programme - Anthropology

This may interest some of you: Internship Programme in Anthropology


Sunday, 26 February 2012

How much tobacco companies profit per smoker death: $10K

Impressive paper on how much tobacco companies profit per smoker death: $10K
Simon Chapman (@SimonChapman6)
2/25/12 11:44 PM
Blood money - $10k: how much #tobacco companies profit per smoker death. (see box 1) tinyurl.com/6t4heyrhis

Friday, 24 February 2012

Sir Henry Dale Fellowship | Royal Society| Early-career scientists

Early career fellowship...


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and thought it might interest you.

It is sent by m.i.o.varela-silva@lboro.ac.uk with the following comment:
"Simon Fraser University Bioanthropologist or Archaelogist needed for a 3 year Limited Term Assistant Professor position"


The Department of Archaeology at Simon Fraser University invites applications for a three-year Limited Term Assistant Professor position (with possibility for renewal and/or opportunity to apply for the position if it is approved as a tenure-track position) specialising in bioanthropology or environmental archaeology, beginning 1 January 2013. We seek an individual with an established research programme in bioanthropology or environmental archaeology as well as proven ability to publish results and secure research funding. The bioanthropologist must have expertise in human osteology, with specialization in forensics preferred. The environmental archaeologist requires expertise in archaeological science or quantitative applications, with a focus on human-environmental interactions. Regional area of specialization is open. The successful applicant must demonstrate potential for effective teaching at the undergraduate level, including general archaeology courses as well as upper division courses in human osteology or environmental archaeology. A Ph.D. is required at the time of appointment.


Ed Hagen, Site Administrator

Thursday, 23 February 2012

2012 Annual Meeting of the International Society for Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity

Early bird registration - 2012 Annual Meeting of the International Society for Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity, May 223-26, Austin Texas


Another source of jobs

John Hawks (@johnhawks)
2/23/12 9:04 PM
Announcing my Job Listings page bit.ly/z0ksQE Please send on your job ads for biological anthropologists.

New NHS report on obesity, diet and physical activity out today

School Food Trust (@schoolfoodtrust)
2/23/12 4:55 PM
New NHS report on obesity, diet and physical activity out today. Here's what we're saying about it bit.ly/y7HTyX

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Guatemala Human Rights Comission

Guatemala Human Rights Commission/USA


What War? Testimonies of Maya Survivors


"I am a survivor of the Guatemala civil war."


In 2004, Laurie Levinger left her home in Vermont for Guatemala where she planned to teach English to Maya university students. But on the first day of class, Levinger became the student instead of the teacher when a young man named Fernando introduced himself by saying "My father was killed when I was four months old. I am a survivor of the Guatemala civil war."


Shocked, Levinger's first thought was "What war?"


Beginning in 1960, fighting between the Guatemalan military and guerrilla fighters raged across the country. By 1980, this violence-which began with a CIA-backed coup and efforts by the United Fruit Company to protect its financial interests-turned into the massacre of Maya people throughout Guatemala. By the time peace accords were signed in 1996, over 200,000 people had been murdered or "disappeared" and hundreds of thousands more forced into exile by their own government.


Levinger's students had been young children when these atrocities were committed. Many lost their parents. Many had relatives who "disappeared." All had suffered the loss of their culture, their family ties, their sense of safety, their personal identities.


As a clinical social worker, Levinger believes in the importance of bearing witness, of speaking the unspeakable out loud. After her initial trip, she returned to Guatemala, this time with a tape recorder and a mission: to record the testimonies of her students, to document their enduring love for their Maya culture, and to honor their unflagging search for truth.


In What War? Testimonies of Maya Survivors, Levinger brings us stories, told in the spare and eloquent language of truth-tellers, reminding us all that the true cost of war is borne by the survivors. And so is the hope for peace.



GHRC is featuring Laurie Levinger's What War? to kick off our new book of the month series. We offer several titles for sale focused on different aspects of human rights in Guatemala. What War? which has been published in English and Spanish, in Guatemala and in the US, is a crucial and timely look at the importance of historical memory for the healing of Guatemala's victims of its internal armed conflict. Your purchase of this book benefits GHRC's work to support victims and survivors of human rights abuses in Guatemala.


What War? is available from GHRC for $20 ($3 off the normal price). To order What War? or other items we have for sale, print out our order form and mail it to us along with your payment.

Other Announcements


Host a Speaker with GHRC this April


Do you live in Washington, Oregon or California? Are you looking for ways to support human rights in Guatemala?


Host Iduvina Hernandez, Guatemalan journalist and human rights activist to speak at your school, place of worship, or other venue, starting April 23. Iduvina will discuss Militarization and Threats to Justice in Guatemala.


Email ghrc-usa@ghrc-usa.org for more information.


GHRC is Celebrating its 30th Anniversary!


2012 marks 30 years since Sister Alice Zachmann registered the Guatemala Human Rights Commission as a non-profit, and we're celebrating all year. Watch for tidbits about GHRC's history on Facebook and stay tuned for information about how you can get involved in celebrating this milestone. Mark your calendars for a special event in Washington, DC on September 27th.


Connect with GHRC


Here at GHRC, we're always looking for new ways to educate and mobilize. There are all sorts of  ways to connect with us online: Like us on Facebook; follow us on Twitter; and check out our new blog. Join  our listserv to receive regular news and updates. Finally we're excited to announce the imminent launch of our new website. Prefer not to use the internet? Don't worry. GHRC will still be sending out El Quetzal and other updates by mail.


Apply For GHRC's Voiceless Speak Fund


Since 1987, the Voiceless Speak Fund has empowered Guatemalans with personal knowledge of human rights violations in Guatemala to share their experiences and raise awareness among people in the United States. The Fund provides direct assistance to Guatemalans in the US who are in financial need and are engaged in Guatemala human rights work, or have demonstrated an ability and desire to do such work. For more information, visit our website. Applications are due June 30, 2012. 


3321 12th Street NE, Washington, DC 20017

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Making systematic reviews work for international development research

Making systematic reviews work for international development research.
Very useful briefing paper

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Early Bird Deadline:Conference- Baby Brains Around the World

3rd UK Paediatric Neuropsychology Symposium: Early Brain-Behaviour Relationships & Prognostic Indicators

Dates: 23- 27 April 2012 (& web access of recordings until 4 June 2012)



Early Bird Registration Fee ends on Thursday 23 February 2012


The 3rd UK Paediatric Neuropsychology symposium will provide a contemporary account of research findings investigating early brain-behaviour relationships and prognostic indicators relevant to clinical practice. Experimental, clinical and epidemiological techniques designed to assess the development of cognitive, emotional and social behaviour will be described. A host of leading international speakers will participate in this symposium in order to consider contemporary knowledge of the effects of genetics and the environment on neurocognitive development and prognostic indicators that can inform medical and psycho-social interventions.

Brains Around the World Project: An International On-Line Conference


Dates: Website Open Between 23 April  - 4 June 2012


As well as standard registration to attend the symposium in person it is now possible to register for ON-LINE ONLY access to the conference. The on-line Baby Brains project aims to widen communication & networking opportunities as far as possible for academics and practitioners across the globe interested in early human cognition and its developmental pathways. 

Lectures will be filmed and broadcast on the secure conference website by UCL Media Services.

All speakers have agreed for their lectures to be broadcast 

On-line delegates will have electronic access to:

·        Live streaming and video files of lectures available to watch repeatedly until 4th June 2012.

·        Proceedings of the conference.

·        All lecture hand-outs.

·        All scientific posters.

·        Interactive delegate discussion forums.

·        Details of information from our sponsors.

N.B. Delegates who register to attend the conference in person will also have access to all aspects of the on-line conference until 4 June 2012.


For further information & application form visit: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/neuropsych/InternationalSymposia  

Or contact the ICH Events Team on 44 (0)20 7905 2675 or +44 (0)20 7905 2699, email info@ichevents.com 

(apologies for cross-posting)

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Scholarships to study in Lisbon

> 1. Scholarships to Study in Lisbon, European "City of the Year"
> February 15, 2012. Dartmouth, MA. The UMass in Lisbon Study Abroad Program and the Center for Portuguese Studies and Culture at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth announce the creation of the Elisia and Mark Saab Study Abroad Scholarship Fund for Academic Years 2012-2015 in the amount of $30,000. This generous gift from Elisia and Mark Saab puts living and learning in one of the world's most dynamic cities within reach for students from the UMass system and beyond, 94 said Prof. Michael Baum, director of UMass in Lisbon and Chair of the Political Science Department at =
> UMass Dartmouth.
> The Saab scholarships are designed to help remove financial obstacles to student participation in UMass in Lisbon. However, students must still pay round-trip airfare and obtain their passport and visa. Scholarships will be awarded based on past academic excellence, a statement of financial need, and a reference from one professor.
> UMass in Lisbon participants, who may come from any university in the US, may spend either a semester or year abroad for the same price they would pay studying on campus at UMass Dartmouth, including the cost of housing, a reduced-price meal plan, transport in Lisbon, field trips, and a Portuguese cell phone.
> Interested students can learn more about the Saab scholarships and UMass =
> in Lisbon at www.umassd.edu/lisbon.
> UMass in Lisbon is also sponsored by the Luso-American Foundation of =
> Lisbon, Portugal.
> Contact: Michael Baum, Director, UMass in Lisbon
> Phone: 508-999-8996
> Email: mbaum@umassd.edu

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

17th annual congress of the ECSS, Bruges, 4-7 July 2012

HumanKinetics Europe (@HumanKineticsEU)
2/14/12 11:21 AM
17th Annual Congress of the ECSS, Bruges, Belgium, 4th to 7th July, 2012 wp.me/p8zsm-4CN

Science Media Studenships

Wellcome Trust (@wellcometrust)
2/14/12 10:47 AM
Scientists interested in broadcast: 10 days left to apply for our Science Media Studentships Incl. support + placement wellc.me/wVaRdF

Monday, 13 February 2012

The Female in Evolution | Leakey Foundation Symposium

Leakey Foundation (@TheLeakeyFndtn)
2/13/12 11:30 PM
The Leakey Foundation is excited to announce our 2012 symposium The Female in Evolution at @CalAcademy on 04/28 cot.ag/AqKN1Y

Society for Latin American Studies Conference 2012 | University of Sheffield

Annual Conference of the Society for the Latin American Studies 2012: Interdisciplinarity in Indigenous Mexican Studies. Details here:

Job opportunity at University of Derby



Ines Varela-Silva wrote:

Job advert: Professor/Head of Centre for Leadership Development.

Professor/Head of Centre for Leadership Development

University of Derby - Derby, United Kingdom

View Job | Go to Ines Varela-Silva's Profile

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